Theatre and Education

  • Museum Experience through Inquiry Drama

    1.   Theoretical framework: Drama in the Museum

    Drama as a creative pedagogic process and the museum as a meaningful informal learning environment refer – in their own ways – to humanity and culture, aiming at spiritual, emotional, embodied experiences and experiential learning. Drama in formal education as a holistic approach to knowledge, values, attitudes and skills leads participants to inquiry, innovation, imagination, self-identification and empathy (O’ Toole et al. 2002; Neelands et al. 2003). Museums in the 21st century provide experience, knowledge and skills to visitors/students (Hooper-Greenhill 1994, 2000), offer opportunities of reflection, inquiry and application to life (Hein 2004), and produce and reproduce meanings and attitudes (Pearce 1993). In  addition to that, museum pedagogy uses several experiential methods, like workshops and dramatic events (Hooper-Greenhill 2000, 2007). Therefore, the theoretical framework of this article refers to inquiry in drama and museum experience as a keyword to museum education programmes.

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    February 9, 2021 • Theatre and Education • Views: 4146

  • Action Research in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learning context: an educational study by means of the dramatic teaching approach Mantle of the Expert

    1. Mantle of the Expert- Theoretical framework

       Mantle of the Expert is a dramatic-inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning invented and developed by pioneer drama educator Professor Dorothy Heathcote (1926-2012) in the 1980s. It concerns the sociological – anthropological field of reality investigation and can be utilized as either a dramatic teaching method or a theatrical technique. Either technique creates a dramatic environment asking participants to undertake expert roles across the whole spectrum of the social and historic development (Heathcote & Herbert 1985).In general terms, Mantle of the Expert relies on three pedagogic modes of teaching: inquiry learning, drama for learning and expert framing, which involves children being placed as adult experts. Put it simply, Mantle of the Expert is about teachers allowing children to act as experts in an imaginary enterprise (Heathcote, & Bolton 1995).

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    December 16, 2020 • Theatre and Education • Views: 2132

  • Theatre in modern greek school. From ethnocentrism to multiculturalism.


    Theatre constitutes that kind of educational communication system which not only corresponds to the equivalent existing reality and interacts with it, but also goes on further critism and revives, intervening constructively and shaping the minds of viewers, something which mainly occurs due to the dynamic image, the living example and experiential communion of spectators in scenes happenings as they occur in an interactive and bidirectional  manner. Continue Reading

    March 7, 2017 • Theatre and Education • Views: 4257

  • The new role of the teacher: the educator artist

    The moralistic character and the educational role, as conditions  «sine qua non» of theater, make this art a privileged means of  public manipulation, consciousness forming agent, enriching its purely artistic nature with an equally important social dimension. Continue Reading

    March 7, 2017 • Theatre and Education • Views: 5476

  • Dramatisation as School Teaching Method to approach classical texts

    Task of the educator, regardless of his rank in the educational hierarchy, is to be an active mediator in the full contact of the student with the aspired knowledge, provided by him. Continue Reading

    March 21, 2016 • Theatre and Education • Views: 20340

  • The folk tale of the pied piper of Hamelin for an animating theatre pedagogy

    Some people might ask why theatre is so important during school: the answer is, in order to lighten up the children’s souls, to help them achieve self-knowledge through the significant, everyday issues of life presented to them, as well as to make them discover the many prospects of knowledge and understand the functions of being. By offering them an overall perception of themselves and the world, theatre becomes a vehicle for holistic learning. Continue Reading

    November 5, 2015 • Theatre and Education, Theatre for Young Audiences • Views: 6497
