Socioeconomic and Cultural Transformations in the Context of The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Proposal Title : Values Across Space and Time
Proposal acronym: VAST
Continue ReadingSocioeconomic and Cultural Transformations in the Context of The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Proposal Title : Values Across Space and Time
Proposal acronym: VAST
Continue ReadingThe problem of the existence or not of a reality, which outside the dimension of the intelligent subject, that is, the relationship of the subjectivity of conscience and the objectivity of the world, comprises an issue lending itself to a multiplicity of approaches and dimensions such as ontology, gnosology, psychology and metaphysics, neurophysiology and sociology. The questions posed and the answers given appear in philosophical and literary texts, scholarly studies and artistic creations, directly or indirectly linked to notions suck as “utopia” and “science fiction”, “temporality” and “reality”, “futurity” and “metaphysics”.
Continue ReadingLa Commedia dell’Arte, forme théâtrale de provenance populaire, dispose des traits distinctifs propres à lui, de sorte qu’ elle peut être approchée et perçue par lui. Le but de notre communication porte à préciser les codes communicatifs dont elle se sert, et par la suite à circonscrire leur fonctionnalité chez les spectaters aux quels elle s’adresse. A l’ aide de ces constatations, nous envisageons d’ explorer, dans la suite leur application potentielle dans un genre spécifique du théâtre, celui qui s’ adresse aux jeunes publics.
Continue ReadingGoing to theatre, may be a unique experience for schoolchildren, which is indelibly etched in their memory. The Primary School pupil-spectator comes in touch with the theatre principles and is initiated in its world. S/he experiences its ritual and cohesively structured character within the frame of the collectivity that is required and with the particularity of the formation of the psychic mechanism and social conscience in this specific phase of the development of his/her personality, as well as the influence of a number of some other differentiating factors, thus leading to the establishment of a very special relation and interaction between the stage and the audience. Continue Reading
The piccolo teatro Haventheater in the city of Bremerhaven on the North Sea is one of the smallest theatres in Germany. Founded 10 years ago go as Boulevard Theatre with a maximum of 56 seats, and successful as such, it has as had a new owner and director for a short while now, Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe, who taught for decades in Wales and England as a theatre researcher. Continue Reading
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